Ceramic Braces

Ceramic Braces

Crystal-clear ceramic brackets of the ceramic braces blend in with the colour of your teeth and are virtually invisible. Ceramic braces are one of the most cost-effective “invisible braces” options on the market. Student braces packages are available.

What Are Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces are orthodontic appliances designed to align and straighten teeth while offering a more discreet appearance. Unlike traditional metal braces, traditional ceramic braces utilise clear or tooth-coloured brackets, blending with the natural tooth colour for a less noticeable effect. This aesthetic advantage makes them a popular choice for individuals seeking a more inconspicuous orthodontic solution. Ceramic braces function similarly to metal braces, employing wires and brackets to apply gentle pressure on teeth, gradually guiding them into the desired alignment.

These traditional ceramic braces require elastic ties or bands to hold the archwire in place within the brackets. These ties can be either clear or coloured and may need to be replaced periodically during treatment. While effective in straightening teeth, traditional ceramic braces are more noticeable compared to clear ceramic braces due to the presence of the ties.

Another type of ceramic braces is the Damon clear ceramic braces. Also known as self-ligating ceramic braces, they offer a more discreet alternative to traditional ceramic braces. They feature brackets made of translucent ceramic material that blend in with the natural colour of the teeth, making them less conspicuous. Unlike traditional ceramic braces, Damon clear ceramic braces utilise a self-ligating mechanism that eliminates the need for elastic ties. Instead, the brackets have built-in clips or doors that hold the archwire securely in place. This design not only reduces friction between the archwire and brackets but also makes maintenance easier. Damon clear ceramic braces are popular among individuals seeking a less noticeable orthodontic treatment option while still benefiting from the effectiveness of ceramic braces in achieving straighter teeth.

Ceramic Braces Singapore

How do Ceramic Braces work?

Ceramic braces provide a minimised visual signature with crystal-clear brackets, while functioning in a similar way to metal braces. 

How Effective Are Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces, known for their aesthetic appeal, are highly effective in achieving orthodontic goals. Functionally similar to traditional metal braces, ceramic braces offer a more discreet alternative. They exert consistent pressure on teeth, gradually guiding them into the desired alignment. While slightly larger in size compared to metal brackets, their effectiveness in correcting misalignments is comparable.

What Conditions Can Ceramic Braces Treat?

Ceramic braces are versatile orthodontic appliances capable of addressing a range of dental misalignments. At Align Braces Clinic in Singapore, ceramic braces are commonly recommended to treat conditions such as:

1. Crowding: Where teeth are closely packed together.

2. Spacing: Addressing gaps or spaces between teeth.

3. Overbites and Underbites: Correcting horizontal misalignments of the upper and lower jaws.

4. Crossbites: Treating when upper teeth sit inside the lower teeth.

5. Open Bites: Resolving cases where certain teeth fail to make contact with opposing teeth.

Procedure For Getting Ceramic Braces

Getting ceramic braces involves a comprehensive process to ensure a tailored and effective orthodontic treatment. Here is a step-by-step overview:

1. Initial Consultation

Begin with a consultation at Align Braces Clinic in Singapore. Our orthodontic professionals will assess your dental condition, discuss treatment goals, and determine if ceramic braces are suitable for you.

2. Treatment Planning

Once ceramic braces are chosen, a detailed treatment plan is created. This plan outlines the anticipated duration, adjustments required, and the expected outcome.

3. Teeth Preparation

Before applying ceramic braces, your teeth are thoroughly cleaned and prepared. In some cases, small amounts of enamel may be removed to ensure a secure bond.

4. Bonding the Brackets

Ceramic brackets are carefully bonded to the front surface of each tooth using dental cement. The brackets serve as anchor points for the archwire.

5. Attaching the Archwire

The archwire is then threaded through the brackets and secured. It applies gentle pressure to guide the teeth into the desired alignment.

6. Adjustments and Check-ups

Regular appointments at Align Braces Clinic are scheduled to adjust the tension in the archwire and monitor progress. Adjustments help maintain consistent pressure for effective tooth movement.

7. Maintenance and Oral Care

Patients are advised on proper oral hygiene practices to prevent staining and maintain the health of teeth and braces.

8. Removal of Braces

Once treatment goals are achieved, the ceramic braces are removed. A retainer may be prescribed to maintain the alignment achieved during treatment.

9. Follow-up Care

Follow-up appointments ensure the stability of results, and any necessary adjustments or additional treatment are discussed.

The procedure for getting ceramic braces is personalised, ensuring that each patient at Align Braces Clinic receives individualised care and achieves optimal orthodontic outcomes.

How Long Does It Take For Ceramic Braces To Work?

The duration for ceramic braces to yield visible results varies depending on individual dental conditions and treatment goals. At Align Braces Clinic in Singapore, our orthodontic professionals customise treatment plans, considering factors like the complexity of misalignments, patient age, and adherence to care instructions.

Generally, ceramic braces are known for achieving results comparable to metal braces. Treatment may span anywhere from several months to a few years. Regular adjustments and check-ups at Align Braces Clinic play a crucial role in ensuring the effectiveness of ceramic braces. Compliance with prescribed guidelines, including proper oral hygiene and attending scheduled appointments, contributes to the timely success of the orthodontic treatment.

Pros & Cons of Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces offer a discreet alternative to traditional metal braces, providing unique advantages and considerations for patients seeking orthodontic treatment.


Aesthetic Appeal

Ceramic braces blend with the natural tooth colour, making them less noticeable compared to metal braces. This aesthetic appeal is particularly appealing to individuals conscious of their appearance during orthodontic treatment.


Functionally similar to metal braces, ceramic braces effectively correct a range of orthodontic issues, including misalignments, crowding, and spacing.


Ceramic braces are durable and able to withstand the forces applied during orthodontic adjustments. They offer reliability throughout the treatment process.


Ceramic braces generally cause less irritation to the mouth's soft tissues compared to metal braces. The smoother texture contributes to increased comfort during the adjustment period.


Staining Potential

Traditional ceramic braces may be prone to staining over time due to the elastic ties used, especially if patients consume dark-coloured foods or beverages. Diligent oral care is essential to mitigate this risk.


Ceramic braces tend to be more expensive than traditional metal braces. The enhanced aesthetics come with a higher price tag, impacting overall treatment costs.


While durable, ceramic braces are more fragile than their metal counterparts. Patients need to be cautious about certain foods and activities to prevent bracket breakage.

Treatment Duration

In some cases, ceramic braces may require a slightly longer treatment duration compared to metal braces. This can be influenced by the specific orthodontic issues being addressed.

Is Metal or Ceramic Braces More Expensive?

The cost comparison between metal and ceramic braces is a common consideration for individuals exploring orthodontic treatment. While both options serve the same purpose of teeth alignment, there are cost differences to be aware of.

Ceramic Braces

Ceramic braces, known for their aesthetic appeal, are often slightly more expensive than traditional metal braces. The use of ceramic material and the desire for a less noticeable appearance contribute to the marginally higher cost.

Metal Braces

Traditional metal braces, made from stainless steel, are generally more cost-effective. Their durability and effectiveness in addressing various orthodontic issues make them a budget-friendly choice for many.

Ultimately, the decision between ceramic and metal braces involves weighing factors such as appearance, budget considerations, and treatment goals. While ceramic braces may incur a slightly higher cost, the aesthetic benefits often make them a preferred choice for those seeking a more discreet orthodontic solution.

Differences Between Ceramic Braces and Clear Aligners

Choosing between ceramic braces and clear aligners involves considering various factors that impact appearance, comfort, and treatment effectiveness.

Material Composition:

Ceramic braces, crafted from ceramic material, blend with the natural tooth color, providing a discreet appearance. On the other hand, clear aligners are usually made from transparent plastic, making them nearly invisible and offering a subtle orthodontic solution.


While ceramic braces are less noticeable than metal braces due to their ceramic brackets and metal wires, they are still visible. In contrast, clear aligners are virtually invisible as they do not involve brackets or wires, providing a discreet treatment option.

Treatment Approach:

Ceramic braces are suitable for various orthodontic issues, offering a fixed appliance that continuously works on tooth alignment. Clear aligners are ideal for mild to moderate alignment problems, providing a removable and customized approach for flexibility during treatment.


Ceramic braces require regular maintenance and cleaning due to their fixed nature, and good oral hygiene practices are essential to prevent staining. Clear aligners simplify oral hygiene as they are easily removable for eating and cleaning, enhancing convenience during the treatment process.

Are You a Good Candidate for Ceramic Braces?

Ceramic braces offer an excellent orthodontic solution for individuals seeking a balance between effectiveness and aesthetic appeal. If you're contemplating ceramic braces, several factors determine whether you're a suitable candidate for this type of orthodontic treatment.


Ceramic braces are particularly effective for addressing dental misalignments. If you have issues such as crowding, spacing, or crooked teeth, ceramic braces can provide a reliable and discreet solution.

Aesthetic Concerns:

Candidates who prioritize a more aesthetic appearance often opt for ceramic braces. These braces blend with the natural tooth color, making them less noticeable than traditional metal braces.

Commitment to Oral Hygiene:

Maintaining good oral hygiene is crucial for ceramic braces candidates. Regular dental care and cleaning routines help prevent staining and ensure the success of the treatment.

Lifestyle Considerations:

If you prefer a fixed orthodontic solution that doesn't require constant removal, ceramic braces may be suitable for your lifestyle.

FAQs About Ceramic Braces

  • Ceramic braces are orthodontic appliances that use ceramic brackets to straighten teeth. They are designed to be less noticeable than traditional metal braces, making them a popular choice for those seeking a discreet treatment option.

  • Similar to metal braces, ceramic braces use brackets and wires to apply gentle pressure on the teeth, gradually moving them into the desired position. They are effective for correcting various orthodontic issues, including crowding, spacing, and misalignments.

  • Ceramic braces are suitable for most issues with orthodontic issues. Consultation with an orthodontist will help determine if ceramic braces are the right option for your specific needs.

  • While the ceramic material is resistant to staining, the ligatures (elastic bands) used with traditional ceramic braces may discolor over time. However, regular cleaning and maintenance can help prevent significant staining. You may choose Damon clear braces to avoid this issue.

  • The duration of ceramic braces treatment varies depending on the complexity of the orthodontic issues. On average, treatment can take anywhere from 18 months to 3 years.

  • Patients may experience some discomfort or soreness initially, similar to metal braces. However, the discomfort usually diminishes within a few days as the mouth adjusts to the braces.

  • The cost of ceramic braces in Singapore varies based on factors such as the clinic, the orthodontist's experience, and the complexity of the case. On average, the cost ranges from SGD 5,500 to SGD 7,000.

  • While some dietary restrictions may apply, individuals with ceramic braces can generally eat a variety of foods. It's advisable to avoid extremely hard or sticky foods to prevent damage to the braces.